Monday, May 28, 2018

And speaking of Britain having fallen to the Fascists...

[Redacted] Arrested for [Redacted] Outside [Redacted]: Leeds Crown Court Issues Media Ban

Shortly after the issuance of the press ban on the case, several media outlets, including Breitbart London, the Mirror, the Daily Record, Birmingham Mail, and the Russian state broadcaster Russia Today, complied with the restriction and removed articles concerning [redacted]'s case.

Several other media outlets have kept their coverage of the arrest and the subsequent court details up, despite potentially falling foul of the court-issued ban which is to be lifted following the conclusion of a separate case.

The media ban, along with [redacted]'s arrest has sparked a wave of controversy on social media with many criticising the arrest and the court proceedings that followed it.

Supporters of [redacted] have called for a mass protest in front of number 10 Downing street with the hashtag [redacted].

Best piece of reporting on the whole thing. A glorious troll.

For you poor English bastards whose government is doing this shit to you, Tommy Robinson is reported to be in Hull Prison, Kingston upon Hull. So far Google hasn't taken it out of Google Maps, so the reach of Her Majesty's Gubmint does not appear to stretch all the way to California yet.

The Phantom

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